Keywords: International Forensic Standards, Construction Mobile forensics, Digital evidence, Digital (Cyber) forensics

I-Long Lin1,2†* Yingren Chen1

1Department of Information Management and Master’s Program in Digital Technology Innovation Management, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology
2Taiwan Association of Cyber Forensic Development (ACFD) 1 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In view of our country's current legal system, the digital forensics (cyber) is not clear the special chapter legislation, the investigative agency are not in compliance with the norms, standards and procedures for the identification of digital (cyber), by collecting the literatures of the domestic and foreign digital (cyber) evidence, the digital (cyber) mechanism, the International standard operating procedure, and the ISO/IEC 27037:2012, ISO/IEC 27041:2015, ISO/IEC 27042:2015 and 27043:2015, the management of international standard procedures and guidelines, integrated digital forensics procedures to study the corresponding, based on the four stages (principle concept stage, preparation stage, operation stage, reporting stage) of the Digital Evidence Forensics Standard Operating Procedure (DEFSOP) presented by the domestic scholar Professor I-Long Lin, a complete set of Mobile Forensics standard operating procedures (DEFSOP for Mobile Forensics, DEFSOP- MF) is developed, Expect to the investigators and cyber personnel can understand the focus and direction of forensics (why to do) from the investigation process (what to do) and the investigation action (how to do) of the whole case, not only to strengthen the digital (cyber) evidence and proof, and to ensure the implementation of the security, enhance the digital (cyber) evidence in the court of evidence, proof and credibility of the target, but also in the future for the incidents to do an effective preventive mechanism and contingency disposal.


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