Varsha Suresh Babu*, Sreedevi Prasanna

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, India


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The main objective of the study is to allocate the resources in a Full-duplex cloud radio access network. Also, the use of C-RAN suppresses the self-interference because of the distributed behaviour of Remote Radio Head in C-RAN. Full-duplex communication system allows data to be transmitted and received between stations simultaneously. It has double the spectral efficiency of half-duplex communication system. The work aims to find the optimal value of the power that is allocated to the remote radio head when data rate is maximum. For the optimization, Firefly Algorithm is employed. It is an optimization algorithm that works similar to the firefly’s attraction towards flashing light. The brighter firefly attracts the less bright one to move towards them. It is an iterative process and eventually, the population of firefly converges to brightest one. When maximum inverse data rate is achieved, the corresponding power value is noted and they are employed for the distribution among the single antenna and multiple antenna remote radio heads. In order to find the best cost value, power constraints are applied to it. Finally, the proposed work is compared with generalized benders decomposition (GBD)-based resource allocation (GRA) algorithm by plotting graphs using MATLAB.

Keywords: Base band unit, Best cost value, Cloud radio access network, Firefly algorithm, Full duplex communication, Interference cancellation, Inverse data rate, Remote radio head, Resource allocation, Self-interference.

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Received: 2020-08-31

Accepted: 2021-01-28
Available Online: 2021-06-01

Cite this article:

Babu, V.S., Prasanna, S. 2021. Optimized resource allocation in full-duplex cloud radio access network using firefly algorithm, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 18, 2020195.

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