Himanshu Gupta1*, Ravikant S. Sathe1, Jitendra Kumar Sharma2

1 Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota., India.

2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota., India.


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Stone columns are a more economical and efficient method to enhance the strength of expansive soils. Using a granular blanket over the top of the ordinary stone columns (OSC) improves the drainage and distribution of the applied stress impending from the superstructure. The present study studied the effect of geogrid layers in a granular blanket (GB) over the top of the OSC numerically using 'PLAXIS 2D'. 'Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was deliberated for the stone column, granular blanket, expansive soil, and elastoplastic behavior is considered for geogrid layers as reinforcement. Present review results are validated with the experimental results and agree greatly. Numerical results show that the construction of a GB with a geogrid layer over the stone column increases stress transformation to the depth of OSC. Thus 'stress concentration' is decreased in the higher zone of the OSC. Likewise, assessing the impact of geogrid layers in a granular blanket on the 'bearing capacity and settlement of OSC, it was observed that it reduces the lateral bulging, settlement and increases the ground's bearing capacity.

Keywords: Geogrid layers, Granular blanket, Stone column, Settlement, Bulging.

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Received: 2022-03-15
Revised: 2022-05-28
Accepted: 2022-07-12
Available Online: 2022-08-30

Cite this article:

Gupta, H., Sathe, R.S., Sharma, J.K., Numerical analysis on load-settlement response of reinforced granular blanket over ordinary stone column. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 19, 2022057https://doi.org/10.6703/IJASE.202209_19(3).006


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