Keywords: Cloud Security Evaluation Model, education cloud, cloud computing, content analysis, Fuzzy Delphi Method

Pi-Ju Tsai1 , Chun-Hao Lin2 , Yin-Lam Ho2 , Vin-Nhan Ho2 , Po-Yuan Chang2 , Hsuan-Tzu Hung2 , Peng-Ting Chen3*

1Department of Business Administration, I-Shou University,
2Department of Business Administration, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
3Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University 1 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 3 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cloud computing is growing quick and well, providing users with shared software and hardware resources and messaging services, bringing information interoperability, portability and mobility. Many countries are actively promoting cloud information systems and applying them in various industries. Cloud information system brings many benefits and breakthroughs in education, but the security of cloud information systems has always been a topic of concern. The purpose of this study is to understand the security issues of cloud information systems and the security concerns that educational institutions face when using cloud information systems. After integration and analysis, the key security factors for educating cloud information systems are selected. The first phase of the study uses content analysis to deal with the results of interview of educational institutions, to understand the security concerns faced by educational institutions in using education cloud information systems. In the second stage, a literature review was conducted to summarize the safety issues mentioned and integrated with the analysis results of the first phase to summarize the safety factors of the education cloud information system. Third, design expert questionnaire, through fuzzy Delphi method analysis, selected 12 key security factors with a threshold of 75.00, established a security assessment model for education cloud information system, enabling educational institutions to effectively evaluate education cloud information system.


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