Hung-Yu Chien* and Ru-Yu Lin

Department of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Wufong, Taichung County 41349, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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This paper examines the security weaknesses of Lin, Huang and Lin’s tripartite authenticated key agreement scheme, and proposes our new scheme. The proposed scheme resists all the security threats and further provides key confirmation. The scheme is very simple and efficient.

Keywords: Weil pairing; elliptic curve; authenticated key agreement.

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Accepted: 2005-03-08
Available Online: 2005-04-03

Cite this article:

Chien, H.-Y., Lin, R.-Y. 2005. An improved tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol based on weil pairing, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 3, 13–18.