LiangYina and Huan-Jyh Shyurb*

aDepartment of Management Science, Tamkang UniversityaDepartment of Management Science, Tamkang University
bDepartment of Information Management, Tamkang University


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In this paper, we propose a robust multiple attributes decision-making (MADM) methodIn this paper, we propose a robust multiple attributes decision-making (MADM) methodbased on prospect theory to reflect the decision behavior of a decision maker in face of risk. Insteadof identifying the reference points, the decision makers only need to determine the feasible rangesfor each attribute by their knowledge and experience in the beginning of the decision process. Thepsychological value distances are defined to measure the overall prospect values of eachalternative reference to extreme feasible solutions using the value function and the additiveweighting method. This study further extends the method to a group decision environment. Thepreferences of more than one decision maker are internally aggregated into the decision procedure.Performance of the proposed algorithms is comparatively analyzed and sensitivity analysis isconducted. The results show that it is an appropriate and robust MADM method.

Keywords: Decision support systems; MADM; prospect theory; value function

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Received: 2017-04-29
Revised: 2017-12-25
Accepted: 2018-01-03
Available Online: 2018-02-01

Cite this article:

Yin, L., Shyur, H.J. 2018. A robust group multiple attributes Decision-Making method based on risk preference of the decision makers. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 15, 33-46.