Soltana Guesmi1*, Kais Jamoussi2, Larbi Chrifi-Alaoui3, Moez Ghariani2, and Kamel Baazouzi4 1National Engineering School of Sfax ENIS , 3038 SFAX, Tunisia
2National School of Electronics and Telecommunications ENET’Com, 3018 SFAX , Tunisia
3University of Picardie Jules Verne, Cuffies02880, France
4University of Batna, Algeria
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This paper presents an improved new control technique of the stability of the DC-DC buck converter supplied by a standalone photovoltaic system. The newly designed control based on passivity PBC can stabilize the control system by taking into account the stored energy. The system is modeled under the formalism of Euler Lagrange, to build a passive control law while guaranteeing satisfactory static and dynamic performances. Designed controllers of PBC, photovoltaic panel, and DC-DC buck converter will be simulated using MATLAB/Simulink toolbox and they will be validated by an experimental setup, which ensures the stability and the robustness of the control synthesis in different tests.ABSTRACT
buck converter, PBC control, Stability, Standalone PV system
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Available Online:
Soltana. G., Kais. J., Larbi. C.A., Moez. G. and Kamel. B. (2021) Passivity Based Control PBC Applied in the Buck Converter of the Stand-alone Photovoltaic System. Int. j. autom. smart technol.
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