Mahmoodabadi MJ1* and Reisi NA1 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Iran
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Nowadays, control and optimization of systems are two important and noticeable topics in all fields of science and engineering. One of the control methods, widely used because of its simplicity and accuracy, is the fuzzy control, which is based on the fuzzy logic theory. In the uncertainty conditions, this theory is able to formulate many inaccurate and vague implications, variables and systems in mathematical language, and provides requirements for reasoning, inference, control and decision making. This paper studies the stabilization of a Translation Oscillations with a Rotational Actuator (TORA) nonlinear fourth-order system by using a new fuzzy control technique which utilizes the small number of membership functions and rules. Besides, to determine the proper values for the controller parameters, the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) is employed. Unlike the other optimization algorithms, ICA is not originated from evolutionary behavior of nature, but it is inspired by a human natural phenomenon called imperialism. In the optimization procedure, the objective function is defined as the sum of integrals of the rotor angle and the cart position. Finally, the comparison between the results obtained by the proposed strategy and some other researchers’ methods is provided, which shows the superiority of this work.ABSTRACT
Fuzzy Control; Optimal Control; Imperialist Competitive Algorithm; Fourth-order Nonlinear System; TORA.
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Available Online:
Mahmoodabadi. M.J. and Reisi. N.A. (2021) Optimal design of a fuzzy controller based on the imperialist competitive algorithm for fourth-order nonlinear systems. Int. j. autom. smart technol.
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