Instruction for Authors
- Articles should be submitted through the submission/review system on the International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (IJASE) website.
- Please do not ask the Editors-in-Chief for permission before submitting a manuscript. Kindly check the guidelines to determine whether your manuscript is within the scope of the journal; if yes, please go ahead and submit it.
- The manuscript must be typed double-spaced and arranged according to the following format: Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement, and References. (Please refer to the submission template file)
- Authors are requested to provide institutional email addresses only. The maximum number of corresponding authors is two.
- Authors are requested to provide at least 5 potential reviewers with full contact details including email addresses (institutional email addresses only). The list of potential reviewers should be diverse. Only one reviewer should be affiliated with each institution. The suggested reviewers should not be from the same institution as the author, or co-authors on any papers or projects of the author. Not more than two should come from the same country as the author. It should also be avoided to suggest reviewers that are living in a different country but have the same nationality as the author.
- Tables and figures. Tables and figures should be inserted in text. In the text, refer to figures as “Fig. 1”, or “Figs. 1(a) and 1(b)”.
- All references to literature in the text should be cited in the form as Cheng (2020) if there is one author, Cheng and Lin (2020) for two authors, or Cheng et al. (2020) if more than two authors. Some examples:
- This result agrees well with the study by Cheng et al. (2020).
- This phenomenon has been described before (Cheng, 2020).
- This result is similar to the findings of many previous studies (Chen and Wu, 2018; Cheng, 2020).
Submission Template Download
References should be arranged in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Some examples for arranging the references:
Chang, C.A., Lin, H.D., Lo, C.C. 1977. Tests of pattern change for automated detection of printing faults using computer vision systems. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 4, 5–13.
Liu, B.L., Tzeng, Y.M. 2000. Characterization study of the sporulation Kinetics of Bacillus thuringiensis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 68, 11–17.
Chen, W.F. 1911. “Stability Design of Steel Frames”. CRC Press. Florida. U.S.A.
Conference proceedings, symposia, etc...:
Cheng, Y.F., Lin, M.C., Hsieh, H.S. 2007. Metal distribution from gasoline-fueled engine. Proceeding of 5th European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria. pp. 23–28.
Article Processing Charge Fee
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (IJASE) is a non-for-profit Open Access journal publishes original research articles in the fields of applied science and engineering. IJASE is primarily funded by Chaoyang University of Technology and also charges Article Processing Charge (APC) publication fee once an article is accepted for publication. The APC may be subject to periodic revisions, and the fee that is applied is the one that is valid at the time of article submission. Our charge per published article is $200 USD from 1st January 2022 onward (subject to periodic revisions). There are no publication waivers applies. The income will be used for peer-review management, website management, PDF production, open-access online publication, digital archiving, and editorial office operation cost. These charges are to ensure highest standard of scholarly publishing, high-quality service, rapid publication, and unrestricted access articles worldwide.
Payment Methods
The submitting author must confirm that he or she will pay the APC if the article is accepted for publication. Details on how to make the payment will be sent to the submitting author after the article is accepted for publication. Payment can be made by credit card online or bank transfer and should be completed immediately to expedite production and publication processes. Payment must be received before the article can be published online. No fees are collected for manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. A receipt of the amount paid will be sent to the submitting author within one week after the payment has been received.