Sea pirates search optimization (SP O) algorithm , Thetys Vagina Swarm Optimization (TV O) Algorithm , Nucifraga multipunctata optimization (NMO) algorithm , Eunectes notaeus optimization (ENO) algorithm and Otariid optimization algorithm (OOA) applied for solving the actual power loss problem. Key objective of the paper is Actual power loss reduction, Voltage deviation minimization and stabili ty enhancement. In Sea, pirates search optimization algorithm, the solution excellence assessed, for every pirate fresh position defined which based on fitness functional value. In oceans, Thetys vagina w ill position in anterior and left behind Thetys vaginas are cohorts. In dimensional examination expanse location of Thetys vagina initialized. In Nucifraga multipunctata optimization the chief exploration segment the Nucifraga multipunctata, instigate to take their pr eliminary locations, in the examination region. The important stimulation of Eunectes notaeus optimization is the system of identifying the location of the female by the male in the course of the copulating period and the pestering stratagem of Eunectes no taeus. In Otariid optimization algorithm , the area of searching by each individual will be in the extensive mode of covering large area and once the potential prey has identified, an explicit signal and this signal will stimulate all the members of the clu ster to move towards the direction of the potential prey. SP O, TVO, NMO, ENO and OOA validated in standard IEEE 30 and 354 bus systems
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Received: 2023-08-16 Revised: 2023-09-11 Accepted: 2023-09-15 Available Online: 2023-12-23
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Kanagasabai, L. (2023) Mathematical design of Sea pirates search, Thetys Vagina swarm, Nucifraga multipunctata, Eunectes notaeus and Otariid Optimization Algorithms for Actual Power Loss Reduction. Int. j. autom. smart technol.
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