Kuo-Hsiung Lee Natural Products Laboratory, School of Pharmacy,Natural Products Laboratory, School of Pharmacy,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill, NC, USA 27599-7360
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Plants have long served as traditional herbal medicines, and natural products makePlants have long served as traditional herbal medicines, and natural products makeexcellent leads for new drug development. New plant-derived medicines can come from threesources: single active principles, active fractions, and validated prescriptions. Conventionally,for single active compounds, lead discovery and drug development involve highly efficient bioactivity-directed fractionation and isolation (BDFI) coupled with structural characterization,analog synthesis, and mechanism of action studies. Today, new scientific technologies, includingtissue culture and biological screening methods, continue to improve this process. Formulti-component herbal prescriptions, standardization and quality control, including GAP (GoodAgricultural Practice), GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GCP (Good Clinical Practice),must be performed to guarantee high quality and consistency. In addition, reliable chemical,pharmacological, as well as drug administration, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicological(ADMET) studies are needed to validate herbal efficacy and safety. This talk willdiscuss the principles listed above, particularly focusing on the successful development of anticancerand anti-HIV clinical trials candidates from numerous bioactive compounds discovered inthe author’s Natural Products Laboratory. Continued exploration of under-investigated plantspecies should guarantee bright prospects for sustained discovery and development of newmedicines for this century.ABSTRACT
chemotherapeutic agents; plant-derived bioactive compounds; antitumor agents; anti-HIV agents.
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Available Online:
Lee, K.-H., 2005. Recent Advances in the Discovery and Development ofRecent Advances in the Discovery and Development ofPlant-derived Chemotherapeutic Agents.International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 3, https://doi.org/10.6703/IJASE.2005.3(3).151
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