International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Published by Chaoyang University of Technology

Ju Yong Cho, Won Kweon Jang*

Department of Aeronautic Electricity, Hanseo University, 46, Hanseo 1-ro, Seosan 31962, South Korea


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We synthesized two solid dye mixtures with Coumarin-545 and Rhodamine-6G without a drying step, but it showed the comparable spectral and material properties with other reported solid dyes, despite a simplified synthesizing process. Coumarin-545 was selected as donor dye, because its fluorescence spectrum was well coincided to the absorption spectrum of Rhodamine-6G, for efficient energy transfer mechanism. We investigated the spectral characteristics with two molarities of 0.1 mM and 0.3 mM of Coumarin-545, at fixed molarity of 0.1 mM of Rhodamine-6G. The fluorescence peak and spectral width of the first one, 0.1 mM molarity for both dyes, appeared at 556 nm and 63 nm, which were 4 nm shorter and 16 nm wider than those of Rhodamine-6G only, respectively. On the other hand, the second one, 0.3 mM molarity for donor, showed 555 nm and 61 nm in their fluorescence peak and spectral width, respectively, which were also 5 nm shorter and 14 nm broader than those of Rhodamine-6G only. The second solid dye mixture showed a little shorter fluorescence peak and a narrower spectral width, compared to the first one. Maximum temperature at the spot where the sample is irradiated by a pumping laser source is investigated. The first one showed the maximum temperature raised from 30°C to 38°C, when a pumping laser power increases from 50 mW to 200 mW. On the other hand, the maximum temperature of the second one raised from 34°C to 53°C, when an output power of the source increases from 50 mW to 200 mW, due to larger absorption of pumping power than the first one.

Keywords: Solid dye mixture, C-545, Rh-6G, Energy transfer, MMA.

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Received: 2021-08-26
Revised: 2022-06-08
Accepted: 2022-06-18
Available Online: 2022-08-03

Cite this article:

Cho, J.-Y., Jang, W.-K., Spectral and thermal characteristics of energy transferred polymeric solid dye mixtures. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 19, 2021368

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