Shu-Ching Wanga, Wei-Ling Lina, Mao-Lun Chiangb* and Shin-Jie Wanga aDepartment of Information Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
bDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
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Sensor hardware technology and network bandwidth have developed rapidly. Through the combination of the Internet and different types of sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT) can facilitate the development of applications, and it has become a hot issue in many countries. The IoT can facilitate the development of applications such as smart cities, smart healthcare and smart homes. In the IoT, people can exchange information to anything, such as people and objects, objects and machines, and even between machines. However, in order to develop related application services of the IoT, hundreds of millions of objects will exchange data on the Internet, and the amount of data in the IoT is very large. In order to provide the different real-time service requirements, the Service-oriented Architecture underlying IoT (SoAIoT) and the data storage operating mechanism of SoAIoT are constructed in the study. The operating mechanism of SoAIoT will reduce the load of network, improve the quality of data processing scheduling, and provide users with different services to meet service needs. Finally, in order to evaluate whether the proposed operating mechanism of SoAIoT can achieve the goal of our research, experimental examples are given through the application of the earth and rock flow monitoring.ABSTRACT
Internet of Things; Service-oriented Architecture; scheduling; data storage.
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Available Online:
Wang, S.C., Lin, W.L., Chiang, M.L., Wang, S.J. 2020. Improve data storage efficiency with service-oriented architecture underlying the internet of things. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 17, 191–206.
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