During earthquake loading, concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) columns subjected to buckling at plastic regions. To control these type of buckling, a new technique is imposed in this research work. Therefore, an additional transverse confinement using carbon fiber reinforcement polymer (CFRP) laminates are wrapped around the CFT columns. An experimental study was conducted on FRP wrapped concrete filled CFT (CCFT) columns. The test variables are thickness of steel tube, different grades of concrete, and number of layers of FRP laminates. Experimental results of CFT columns were compared with computed load carrying capacity of the existing design codes. Of all the codes compared, DL/T 1999 showed the least variations and is found to be more viable to predict ultimate load carrying capacity of CFT columns. Load strain plots obtained from experimental study reiterate the fact that CCFT columns wrapped with two layers of CFRP showed enhanced strength and ductility compared to other CCFT columns. The failure modes of CCFT columns were observed during experimental study.
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Received: 2019-02-16 Revised: 2019-03-31 Accepted: 2020-10-15 Available Online: 2020-12-01
Cite this article:
Pandulu, G., Jayaseelan, R., Thong, J. 2020. Behavior of FRP wrapped concrete filled steel tubular columns. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 17, 393–403. https://doi.org/10.6703/IJASE.202012_17(4).393
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